Her Loss Album Review

December 16, 2022
Her Loss is a collaborative album by the artists Drake and 21 Savage that came out on November 4th, 2022. Highly anticipated, this album was not a disappointment. Fans argue over the best song and best feature or best verse, there is so much content and versatility showcased here. This album is also the latest addition to Drake’s trio of albums. The first of these of course is Certified Lover Boy. This album covers Drake’s feelings for a girl and what he wants to do for her. He then dropped the second album named Honestly Never mind where he moves on from the relationship and is working on recovering from it. Then follows the third album Her Loss. This album is based around Drake moving on and highlighting the fact that he is living better without her. 21 Savage was an amazing addition and great collaborative artist as he is known for his nonchalant, uncaring type of vibe, which is part of the intentions for this album. The album is 16 songs and exactly an hour long with an average song length of 3 minutes and 45 seconds. The production on this album is what really helps set it apart from your average album. Drake of course is known for his unworldly production. This album went No. 1 on the Billboard charts, and all 16 songs went on the Billboard’s Hot 100. Personally my favorite song off the album would be Broke Boys. This is for a number of reasons. Drake’s flow opening up the song is unmatched, and 21 Savage comes in perfectly, making his own flow which is also amazing. Half way through the song there is also a beat switch which switches to my favorite beat on the album. This then brings on my favorite flow on the album. To compare this album to the rest of his work it is definitely one of his better, to add, this is my favorite album of the trio, which most people can surely agree with. This album shows the pure talent of 21 Savage and Drake with their only feature being Travis Scott, who also did his part and delivered. The flows, beat switches, production, vocals, lyrics, energy, marketing, album build up, etc, this album is a must listen. To rate on a scale of 1-10, I would give this album a solid 8/10 for sure, the only thing I’m not sure about is the replay value and longevity of the album, but time is the only tell for that.