The Fair!



The great Frederick Fair has been open since 1853, Friday September 16,2022 the great Fredrick fair opened their doors. The fair has many rides, places to eat and animals. The animals section has animals from bunnies, chickens/roosters, cows, pigs, horses and etc. There are lots of food places but it is very hard to find a good priced place. Money plays a big role here at the Frederick fair, things are very expensive and the games are just there to take your money and they are very rigged. There are rides for little kids and older kids too. They have rides from the little train to the BEAST.  


The fair has many things but it is a great place to hang out with family and friends. The fair is welcome to everyone. The fair has an area where you can see things people have made and what they won from making them.  Alyssa kimmel (grade 9) added ” The fair was a great place for me to hang out with my family.”


There are many fair events including:  

(Picture from


Many events for children of all ages and some for the adults too. The birthing center is an all day thing where you can see animals give birth or you can see their babies after they give birth. If you go to the fair be sure to look at everything and have a great time!